We still have a little ways to go to get my cluster restored. My next step is going to be installing portworx. Portworx is a storage layer for Kubernetes that is software-defined, and allows for a few nice functions for stateful applications (migrations, dr, auto provisioning, etc). I’ll have more to say about that later (and full disclosure, I work for portworx). Portworx also has a essentials version that is perfect for home labs.
We can install portworx by building a spec here: https://central.portworx.com/landing/login
The above will ask you a bunch of questions, but I will document my setup by showing you my cluster provisioning manifest:
# SOURCE: https://install.portworx.com/?operator=true&mc=false&kbver=&b=true&kd=type%3Dthin%2Csize%3D32&vsp=true&vc=vcenter.lab.local&vcp=443&ds=esx2-local3&s=%22type%3Dthin%2Csize%3D42%22&c=px-cluster-e54c0601-a323-4000-8440-b0f642e866a2&stork=true&csi=true&mon=true&tel=false&st=k8s&promop=true kind: StorageCluster apiVersion: core.libopenstorage.org/v1 metadata: name: px-cluster-e54c0601-a323-4000-8440-b0f642e866a2 # you should change this value namespace: kube-system annotations: portworx.io/install-source: "https://install.portworx.com/?operator=true&mc=false&kbver=&b=true&kd=type%3Dthin%2Csize%3D32&vsp=true&vc=vcenter.lab.local&vcp=443&ds=esx2-local3&s=%22type%3Dthin%2Csize%3D42%22&c=px-cluster-e54c0601-a323-4000-8440-b0f642e866a2&stork=true&csi=true&mon=true&tel=false&st=k8s&promop=true" spec: image: portworx/oci-monitor:2.11.1 imagePullPolicy: Always kvdb: internal: true cloudStorage: deviceSpecs: - type=thin,size=42 # What size should my vsphere disks be? kvdbDeviceSpec: type=thin,size=32 # the kvdb is an internal key value db secretsProvider: k8s stork: enabled: true args: webhook-controller: "true" autopilot: enabled: true csi: enabled: true monitoring: prometheus: enabled: true exportMetrics: true env: - name: VSPHERE_INSECURE value: "true" - name: VSPHERE_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: px-vsphere-secret #this is the secret that contains my vcenter creds key: VSPHERE_USER - name: VSPHERE_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: px-vsphere-secret key: VSPHERE_PASSWORD - name: VSPHERE_VCENTER value: "vcenter.lab.local" - name: VSPHERE_VCENTER_PORT value: "443" - name: VSPHERE_DATASTORE_PREFIX value: "esx2-local3" #this will match esx2-local3* for provisioning - name: VSPHERE_INSTALL_MODE value: "shared"
There is a lot to unpack here, so look at the comments. It is important to understand that I will be letting portworx do the provisioning for me by talking to my vCenter server.
Before I apply the above, there are 3 things I need to do:
First, install the operator, without it, we will not have CRD of a StorageCluster:
kubectl apply -f https://install.portworx.com/?comp=pxoperator
Next, we need to get our secrets file. We need to encode the username and password is base64, so run the following:
echo '<vcenter-server-user>' | base64 echo '<vcenter-server-password>' | base64
And put the info in to the following file:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: px-vsphere-secret namespace: kube-system type: Opaque data: VSPHERE_USER: YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvckB2c3BoZXJlLmxvY2Fs VSPHERE_PASSWORD: cHgxLjMuMEZUVw==
apply the above with:
kubectl apply -f px-vsphere-secret.yaml
Lastly, we need to tell portworx not to install on the control plane nodes:
kubectl label node rke1 px/enabled=false --overwrite kubectl label node rke2 px/enabled=false --overwrite kubectl label node rke3 px/enabled=false --overwrite
kubectl apply -f pxcluster.yaml
The above will take a few minutes, and towards the end of the process you will see VMDKs get created and attached to your virtual machines. Of course, it is possible for portworx to use any block device that is presented to your virtual machines. See the builder URL above, or write me a comment as I’m happy to provide a tutorial.
Install PX backup
Now that portworx is installed, we will see a few additional storage classes created. We will be using px-db for our persistent storage claims. We can create a customized set of steps by visiting the URL at the beginning of this article, but the commands I used were
helm repo add portworx http://charts.portworx.io/ && helm repo update helm install px-central portworx/px-central --namespace central --create-namespace --version 2.2.1 --set persistentStorage.enabled=true,persistentStorage.storageClassName="px-db",pxbackup.enabled=true
This will take a few minutes. When finished (we can always check with kubectl get all -n central). We should see a number of services start, but two of them should have grabbed IP addresses from our load balancer:
ccrow@ccrow-virtual-machine:~$ kubectl get svc -n central NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE px-backup ClusterIP <none> 10002/TCP,10001/TCP 6h15m px-backup-ui LoadBalancer 80:32570/TCP 6h15m px-central-ui LoadBalancer 80:30434/TCP 6h15m pxc-backup-mongodb-headless ClusterIP None <none> 27017/TCP 6h15m pxcentral-apiserver ClusterIP <none> 10005/TCP,10006/TCP 6h15m pxcentral-backend ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 6h15m pxcentral-frontend ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 6h15m pxcentral-keycloak-headless ClusterIP None <none> 80/TCP,8443/TCP 6h15m pxcentral-keycloak-http ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP,8443/TCP 6h15m pxcentral-keycloak-postgresql ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 6h15m pxcentral-keycloak-postgresql-headless ClusterIP None <none> 5432/TCP 6h15m pxcentral-lh-middleware ClusterIP <none> 8091/TCP,8092/TCP 6h15m pxcentral-mysql ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 6h15m
let’s visit the px-backup UI IP address. I would do this now and set a username and password (the default credentials were printed to your console during the helm install).